Grevesmühlen Video Grevesmühlen Ghana CLICK THIS L!NKK 🔴📱👉 🔴

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Officers initially reported that two young girls from Ghana, aged 8 and 10, were attacked by members of a group of around 20 young people. The eight-year-old, the report said, had been kicked in the face by one of the attackers. After looking at video and phone footage of the incident, however, Rostock police said: "According to the current Am Freitagabend (14. Juni 2024) sollen in Grevesmühlen zwei Mädchen aus Ghana im Wohngebiet im Ploggenseering beleidigt und angegriffen worden sein. Zunächst hieß es: Jugendliche sollen einer Achtjährigen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ins Gesicht getreten haben. Nach Auswertung von Videos kommt die Polizei zu einem anderen Schluss. Nun ermittelt die Polizei wegen Körperverletzung gegen den Vater der beiden Mädchen aus Ghana. In a shocking development in the Grevesmühlen case, the police are now investigating the father of the two Ghanaian girls for assault. Stay updated on this breaking news story by following Julian Reichelt on Twitter. #Grevesmühlen #breakingnews # The incident involving two girls from Ghana in Grevesmühlen in Mecklenburg now appears to investigators to be different from what was initially described. After evaluating video recordings, the Rostock police headquarters announced on Monday evening: "According to the current status of the investigation, the eight-year-old girl has not According to initial findings, an 8-year-old Ghanaian girl and her 10-year-old sister were attacked on Friday evening by a group of around 20 teenagers and young adults in the town of Grevesmuhlen Ein Zwischenfall mit zwei Kindern aus Gh